Saturday, February 4, 2012


It seems these days that the policy makers, school board members, superintendents, don't really care that they are about to lose excellent teachers.  I can say that most of the teachers at my school are among the hardest working, most caring, intelligent professionals around.   Are they treated as such?  No.  For about the 4th year in a row, we are not receiving raises, not even cost of living.  Our health ins. premiums went up a couple of years ago so even less money comes homes to our families.  Teachers are given more and more to do and less and less time to do it.  They are expected to cram about 15 hours of work into a 7.5 hour day. Nothing is ever taken off the plate just added to it.  Many teachers work at home during the week and on weekends until the wee hours of the night....taking time away from their own families.  

When are the powers that been going to learn that to keep quality educators, they need to be treated as such?  The morale in my building is so very low right now.  No one is pumping these teachers up, only beating them down.  The "way to go" and "thanks for all your hard work" comments land on deaf ears because it's said all the time, but isn't shown.  Actions speak louder than words.  Stand up for us...treat us with the respect we deserve. Demand the best and reward us for giving it. 

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